Friday, July 9, 2010

Science Exhibition Day

They did their parts. Thank you to all of you, guys..helping me in Science Exhibition. Credits to Ammar for all the pictures captured and allowed me to publish the pictures in my own version. Enjoy viewing!!

Balloon that never burst even heated over fire. Why? 
Due to the high specific heat capacity of water in the balloon....

Dancing fire through vibration of air

The fire is dancing based on the guitar notes

I just noticed that they coloured the cornflour made it looked like a weird creature dancing on the speaker. Bravo!

What colour can you see? Most of them said WHITE!!

How the egg can go through the narrow opening?

Another experiments  from Chemistry Lab :
Aquatic Garden from Chemical

I made my own Aquatic Garden

Colourful fire

From Bio Lab :

Plant cell model from food

Congratulations to all! 



  1. ya Allah ! menariknyer exhibition nih!

  2. They all creative!! Ada lagi activities organised but I handled this exhibition only.

  3. salam
    pasal tukar gbr utk contest baby with toys
    dibenar kan tapi kena ada link back

  4. salam.. best pulak.. hehe.. btw, kalau Liza belum jumpa lagi tutorial untuk membuat sticky note.. saya ada membuat tutorial ringkas diblog saya.. :)

  5. Irwan~i'll check it out, now! hehe.. btw, tqvm for sharing!


  6. selamat pagi cikgu..bestnye exhibition science..teringat zaman sekolah dulu, selalu wakil sekolah masuk pertandingan sains..

  7. Terbaca selamat pagi tu gaya budak bagi salam. Hekhekhek... hm... biasa la, zaman sekolah mesti paling menarik kan?


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